The Game

Total Recall as morality tale thriller. Once again, Fincher steals from the best, like a true artist.

Other inspirations are clearly A Christmas Carol, The Shining, and leads to The Truman Show.

Quaid is on the top of the world, financially speaking. Being some Bay Area yuppie, recently divorced, but needing no therapy, just dreaming constantly about his father’s suicide. His “therapy” is going all the way to SeaTac to fire one of his underlings, some older publisher that grew the stock value by 8 cents, instead of 10.

Little does Ebenezer know his enrolment in some prank company called Consumer Recreation Services will show him the ghost of Christmas future, a version of his life where he meets a tall dark stranger, all his money is stolen (even the numbered Swiss account, he practically weeps when this is taken away), and he understands the true meaning of life.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision