
The one with Felicity Jones as less platonic love interest, but still far enough from first base.

Moar horror, like a Hieronymus Bosch’s painting, except crappy. Classic COVIDiot talking points, they whole thing, peppered with history stuff.

Ben Foster is some kind of Muskiness neo-Malthus, Thanos but not purple. The World Health Organisation has a SWAT team, and it’s not Thedros’ TPLF. Apparently, they are also infiltrated with Russkies wanting a bioweapon. There’s also a shadowy merc group with unfathomable motivations.

But wait, of course there’s a big twist. Sienna (the British girl) is in league with Thanos. She is clearly a caricature of Greta Thunberg and environmental organisations in general, but as ecoterrorists. Apparently they are even more Malthusian in the book.

Again, the plot makes no goddamn sense. Not even talking about stupid geography errors, a 60 years old guy running like crazy from the gardens to the Palazzo Vecchio? They were just there! The bad guys rig a bomb with magic Ebola, but Sienna doesn’t know where it is, but knows the dudes that rigged it. And yet, the good guys only know about it because she reveals it to them. Fucking nuts! There’s also the other WHO guy wanting to sell it to the highest bidder, which goes nowhere.

After all these films, Langdon kept it in his pants not because he was an incel nerd, he just had the hots for Birgitte Nyborg. That’s why he didn’t fuck the descendant of Jesus Christ, or a random CERN PhD, he was saving himself for a random WHO bureaucrat. Which he doesn’t in the end!


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision