The Jewel of the Nile

The difference the writer not being a woman makes: we go from Romancing the Stone to generic Temple of Doom: cultural insensitivity, random action scenes, plot nonsense.

They had it with the good life, so their personalities reset to the start of the last film. She is kidnapped by an Egyptian general, about to take power in a coup, and wanting a foreign PR person to write his story. The opposition recruits him, and Danny DeVito too for even more contrived reasons.

They quickly reunite and fight the general with general slapstick and racist caricatures.

Last time around she was the hero, the dude was her muse. Here, he’s the main character that does all the action, she’s just a damsel in distress. A complete disgrace.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision