The Enforcer

Dirty Harry fights the forces of feminism, that’s about the only civil right he hasn’t violated. But not even him can resist jiggling boobs.

The Mayor (disgusting slimeball politician spits) goes all in on the DEI, and enforces quotas on girl inspectors. Harry mocks and slanders the political comptroller, but it’s an order straight from the fifth floor. Standards immediately drop and the city is controlled by hardcore criminals running free.

Oh wait, it’s actually the opposite, Kate is a great inspector, a greenhorn that learns fast. Even anti-feminist Harry recognised she rose to the occasion, and he is not just talking about his own penis. Does everything has a sexual connotation?

The real evil dudes are some radical leftists who just robbed a weapon cache, so got their hands on a massive arsenal. They are backed by some priest, big fan of the Liberation Theology, who might have the hots for a nun packing an assault rifle. Gun battles in a church, what has the world come to.

Helping out the police, but politically opposite, is some kind of pacifist black liberation organisation, Black Panthers without the claws. Harry gets help from their leader, but the goddamn politician wants a big arrest for the cameras and fills up the paddy wagon with book club members. Proving once again the perils of non-violence, the cops extract their pound of flesh anyway, there are no honour among thieves.

As the new partner has been broken in the tactics of police brutality, they can take out the bad guys’ HQ: Alcatraz. Yes, a landmark, visible from land, is taken over by an armed group that kidnapped the mayor, and wants a ransom. The city government folds without much pushback.

Harry invades the island, while his partner goes around the backdoor and rescues the mayor. The partner’s braless chest won’t help with the next ordeal, no one can resist 5.56 NATO slugs, she eats lead trying to save Harry. Yet another partner going straight to the morgue, that’s two in a single film, a record.

This drives Harry into a frenzy, he just murders the bad guy with a LAW. He was aiming for the mayor too, but he escapes, with a trademark Eastwood gurn. “You fucking fruit” is a direct quote.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision