Love Lies Bleeding

A very intense thriller, keeps delivering the goods until the end. Kristen rules, as always!

Our protagonist is a gym minder in a small town, a shitty job unclogging toilets and avoiding the annoying girl hitting on her. She’s got to have something holding her back. Yeah, her sister is badly beaten by her husband, some mullet-head moron. This is hardcore beatings, arm-in-a-sling kind of deal.

Enter the drifter, an homeless woman really looking for a job in some gun range. She wants the job so badly, she is willing to fuck that mullet-head in some alley. At least she gets the job.

The drifter is also an amateur body builder, training for a big contest in Vegas, so she needs to train in the gym.

They meet, both are called “dykes” by the other meatheads, punches are thrown, they recover inside. Our protagonist is aching for companionship, so she thrown in what she’s got: steroids, for free.

They are together now, and happy. The other girl who stalked our protagonist is seething with rage. After a night well spent, they get the call that sets the whole plot in motion.

You see, before, the protagonist had dinner with his sister so she could meet her new girlfriend, but the dickwad husband had to ride along, the mullet-head. He treats her wife like absolute shit on a Chinese restaurant, and when the protagonist meekly threatens her in the bathroom, he drops the big deuce: I fucked your girlfriend on an alleyway.

After that dinner, their relationship is strained, but nothing fast clitoral rubbing cannot solve. As for the heterosexual couple, the wife gets such a beating, she ends up in a coma in the hospital. Our protagonist is ready to murder her brother-in-law, but we know she is meek and peaceful, right?

The drifter didn’t catch her drift, she drives over their house, pumped full of rage and steroids and brutally smashes the mullet-head into a tea table until his jaw is drooping, lifeless. Our protagonist rescues her, collects the evidence, and dumps all of it on a canyon she knows from her past.

Yeah, turns out the psycho owner of the gun range is her father, a local criminal mastermind, running a gun smuggling ring on the side. That canyon is like a memory hole, there’s a lot of bodies hidden there. No one would notice another, they dump him with the car and burn the whole thing down.

It seems everything is OK, but there are so many loose ends. The protagonist cleans up the most glaring detritus. The annoying girl saw them driving away and blackmails the protagonist for sex, but she’s pretty dumb and can be easily duped.

The drifter doesn’t care and tries to get to Vegas anyway for the contest. She is shellshocked from the murder and it goes pretty badly, she is busted for assault. After calling the protagonist and getting an answer from the annoying girl, she calls her boss at the gun range.

The boss is on to them, and knows how to clean things up. He gives her a gun and has her murder the annoying girl. This means she is the fall girl, she will be arrested and all this blows over. But the protagonist is on top on her game. She cleans up that body, tricks the FBI and declares war on her father.

The drifter is kidnapped by the father, the kids sent away, and the sister recover from the hospital and remains there in the showdown mansion. Our protagonist gets there ready to rampage, but only finds her beaten up sister. Assuming her hubby is dead indirectly because if our protagonist definitively ruins their relationship. After saving the drifter, the protagonist is mauled by her father but the drifter helps her and they leave him beaten up for the cops.

The end, ride into the sunset. The annoying girl in the car seems half-dead, but our protagonist makes an unscheduled stop to take care of that. Roll credits.

Kristen steals the show as always, it’s uncanny how great she is. The drifter is an actress I never saw anywhere, looks like a buff Zendaya. Jena Malone gets the short end of the stick, with a small role. The lesser Franco has a punchable face even without the mullet.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision