Lost Highway

It’s David Lynch all right, completely inscrutable. Explanations are futile, only questions remain.

Were there supposed to be twins, Renée and Alice? Are they two people or just one? Is the weird dude the devil, or just a daemon whispering at the human’s ear? Is the club real, or is the guy cheating on his mistress already at the start?

Was the whole body swap sub-“plot” an excuse because Bill Pullman refused to lie naked on the desert, being straddled by Patricia Arquette? If fucking her on silk sheets is OK, why not in the dust? Why cast Henry freaking Rollins on a bit part, without rants? Was that Marilyn Manson at the end? Why hire Badalamenti if the soundtrack are banging heavy metal tracks?

The answer to all those answers might surprise you…


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision