Das Lehrerzimmer

This feels like Die Welle, with more meaning lost in translation. But the coup de grâce is avoided, the ending is weak, there is barely resolutions to the plot points.

A young idealistic teacher gets dragged into a witch hunt, fingering immigrants for a series of thefts of small amounts of money or school material. In her quest for justice, she does even worse to the smartest kid in the class, a little Marty Stu, with both intellectual and social skills galore.

Leonie Benesch can carry the whole film, but there’s not that much for her to do. The old maxim of “don’t work with kids nor animals” strikes again, but the kids are cool, a believable sort, not obsessed enough with their phones for that generation.

An “unsettling day in the chalkface” is an incredible neologism that should be highlighted.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision