
Less a film, more like a series of music videos. The writing grates on the ears, nothing smooth about the quipping, the pattern is quip-reply-repetition-quip-pop song. Cinematic celery, lacks proteins.

It’s worse heist film than Ocean’s Eleven, and a worse crime comedy than In Bruges. It has some visual interests, but as I said, a series of music videos.

Layer Cake is the serious version of this, curious how Mathew Vaughan of Kingsman: The Secret Service fame wrote both in both.

The social aspects are a bit grimy. The “Pikey” slur is thrown around with abandon, and Brad Pitt and Jason Flemying are playing those characters? It would be like Armie Hammer playing Django Unchained, it leaves a bitter aftertaste. Better watch something by Emir Kusturica to counter this.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision