Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Now that’s pod racing!

There’s not much to say that hasn’t been thoroughly analysed on RedLetterMedia’s looong review. It’a completely accurate, this is a trash fire and George Lucas is an hack and a fraud.

Pod Racing still holds up, but maybe my childhood rose tinted glasses are showing. Ani with the F1 sound, Sebulba’s awesome pod sound, the Doppler effects. Bliss, absolute bliss.

The best acting is clearly Natalie Portman, the only character that can have minute long scenes in a two and a half hours bloated mess. Peter Serafinowicz also smirks well. Oskar Schindler and the Trainspotter guy are wet blankets. You can barely see Keira Knightly, and Sally Hawkins appears in the credits, not sure where in the film. Pour one out for Ahmed Best’s career, sad!

The main problem of the prequels is that is not ripping off Kurosawa like the first film, no The Hidden Fortress references anymore.


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