Archive for August 2019
10 posts from 03 to 26 August 2019.
Wes Anderson translates his style to stylistic “bad” stop motion. It works as well as his human-starring films, the emotional rollercoaster remains.
A weird animal. A ZAZ-less ZAZ-lite, playing the serious parts seriously, gunning for the Navy recruitment propaganda shtick. But it works, particularly after literally making Rob Schneider walk the plank. Arrr!
Hyper-sexualized snakes on a 747.
A series of vignettes about 60’s Hollywood, very loosely based on what happened, with the reenactments being played by Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. Psycho Tarantino fans get a couple of scenes of blood and gore to put butts in seats.
Firebrands Talking at Rallies: The Movie. Tout le Welt parle eine hodgepodge of Zentral Europpéan languages, trés cosmopolitain.
The best film that contains the utterance: “Your mother sucks cocks in hell”.
The grand-daddy of all found footage films. Squeezes emotional blood out of stones, creeks and tree trunks.
Joel Schumacher does the atheist’s take on near death experiences. It’s all about what we do in life.
This makes Japanese thematic bingo: atomic bomb metaphors, tentacles attacking nubile girls, high tech flying military machines. The fight between good and evil is embodied by Earth Gaia and Alien Gaia fighting for domination over Earth.
God wants, Gilliam dreams, the Film is shot. Like stretching The Brothers Grimm into the present and into the religious.