Archive for July 2022

10 posts from 02 to 30 July 2022.

  • Vice

    A libtard look into the life of Cheney, with barely any mention of more explosive stuff, and only a small video of Hillary Rodham selling the Iraq War like the corporatist war criminal she is.

  • Inception

    Good grief, the sound mix is truly awful. You can’t hear the dialogue, if you try to raise the volume your ears will be split on the explosions. I can see why teenage me thought this was the best thing since sliced bread: teenage me was dumb.

  • Teknolust

    What the, what? Virgin scientist cyborg-clones herself thrice, in the Three Faces of Eve personas, but eventually finds true love herself, amidst a potential pandemic of barcode rashes and male impotence.

  • Mortdecai

    How quaint. It appears that someone thought that the best part of Ocean’s Eleven was the horrendous British accents and the sex jokes, and therefore based the entirety of a major motion picture on those skits. Preposterous, I say, good chap.

  • The Last Seduction

    The victory of city slickers over bumpkins. Of cunning woman over strong man. Of the haves over the have nots. Film Noir has never been so anarchic and fun.

  • The Cheap Detective

    The followup to Murder by Death, with Peter Falk playing the Marlowe private dick that gets all the girls in the end. Incredible, considering he is a broke guy without a steady job.

  • Tank Girl

    Riot Girl is tight! Meek girl learning to face her oppressors is goddamn tight! Kangaroo-men are hopping mad!

  • Sneakers

    I thought there was No Such Agency when I was born, but between this and The Conversation, it was public as hell. 20 years later, after Snowden, this kind of skulking is of course outdated: now the front company is called Cloudflare, instead of Setec Astronomy.

  • The Handmaid's Tale

    A focused version of the TV show. It’s only the greatest hits, but they are almost all there. The TV show takes its time between plot developments, it’s less jarring and has less mood swings.

  • Super Mario Bros.

    An alternative universe where some blonde property developer from Brooklyn rules with an iron fist, plastering his name and face everywhere, while privately harassing women. Only good working class folk can save us from this deranged maniac. Good thing this was absolute fiction, no way this happened decades later.