
Half horror drama, like a baby’s first The Ring, half buddy cop film, with a no-nonsense sassy black woman and a younger detective, being biblically chased by the CSI girl and the killer’s sister. Doesn’t really gel.

But wait! The main detective is a a blank avatar of the writer, and the killer’s sister is a damn good detective too.

The big reveal is that she’s actually Kuato. Open your mind…

The cast does their job, bit it’s not their fault. Florence Pugh’s long lost dead ringer, and the girl from The bad Mummy. This is a purely visual film, the kind of shutting your brain off.

It’s purely franchise driven, it feels like a Marvel film! He even twists the camera around like Michael Bay, and nicked that top-down camera work from John Wick.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision