The Banishing

Ahh, a proper horror film about truly horrible things: sexual frustration, church crimes, British collaboration with the Nazi regime. I just can’t understand the title.

What seems like a regular vicar reuniting with his wife and child in his new post out in the sticks is much more complicated: the child is not his, the wife is in name only (not in actions), and their house is haunted. Haunted by inquisitorial torture of some poor woman in the very same situation and her: a child out of wedlock leads to absolute shunning, creating social outcasts.

This is hard to find out, since Bishop Molochi is in on the cover-up. Our couple is only helper by the local leftist agit-prop, the guy that knows everything about most subjects. He’s so Red, his ginger hair gleans over his red clothing.

After burying the haunted bones, their lives improve: the vicar abandons his appeasement of fascism, probably starts fucking his wife again, and the daughter stops being such brat.

Or is it? The Molochi goons dig up the bones and take them to Stuttgart, it that a motherfucking sequel hook?

This is such a cliché storm, but there are some nice shots involving mirrors. It’s a competent effort,


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision