The Wrong Daughter

This is one of those Z-list direct to streaming releases, probably unearthed because Sydney freaking Sweeney stars in it. It’s not bad enough to become blackmail material, it’s just beige and anodyne. It’s not even the good kind of Z-list, just Hallmark shit.

Bad girl Sydney is bad, mostly because she is a mental patient and gets fucked by guys in metal bands. Her roommate in the foster home is the goody two shoes. She is finally kicked out, but as a last evilness, steals the roommate’s laptop and receives a message from her biological mother setting up a meeting.

The biological mother is now filthy rich, but IVF is not working. She clears her head by opening a restaurant with her best friend. Her husband is just a hunk of meat without personality.

Since our bad girl is evil, she manipulates all these people into pampering her. Meanwhile, the goody two shoes doesn’t want to make waves, so it takes a very long time to act and stop her.

Our bad girl is so jealous of the best friend, she wrecks their joint flower garden and plants a diamond necklace on her purse to frame her. Drama averted, the mother is a goddamn saint. Since that was not enough, the friend’s boyfriend is flung down a flight of stairs and murdered. Why the hell did they meet in the bedroom, if not for hanky-panky?

Anyway, the bad girl and the couple go to some remote retreat, not before the husband is almost murdered by the bad girl. He’s so dumb he does not notice it, neither does he have a clue when our girl murders a cop asking questions in front of their cabin. She flees the scene in the van.

Meanwhile, since This is America, the best friend finds her boyfriend dead, and gets jailed for a day for “resisting arrest”. This could be tweaked for social commentary, but it’s for plot convenience, what a goddamn disgrace.

The mother goes meet her real real daughter, but the fake one is there, threatening to kill her too. She is talked out of it, but since she’s Sydney Sweeney, the cops arrest her with extra care around her prize-winning chest area. She is put away on a mental hospital, waiting for a sequel that will never happen.

All ends well, the real girl is adopted, the restaurant goes well and everybody is happy, with a new child on the way. Everybody keeps their clothes on, and the only dead are as disposable low level cop, and the minority boyfriend and computer geek, no biggie.

I honestly have a hard time telling one bimbo LA actress from another, they all look the same to me. It’s all a blur.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision