Archive for tag 'creator:Kurosawa'

  • Red Beard

    Fucking A, this is a riot. The sparse orchestral score is the cherry on top. Not to be confused with Blackbeard, Bluebeard, or any other colourful facial hair.

  • Throne of Blood

    The Macbeth adaptation, more “theatrical” than other Kurosawa films. “Something wicked this way comes”, “out damn spot” and other Shakesperean lingo doesn’t translate so well.

  • Dodes'ka-den

    For something completely different, Kurosawa does a bunch of smaller stories on a lively slum. Not one is resolved in any way, thus was a just sneak peak into their lives.

  • The Hidden Fortress

    Secret royalty passes through blockades with the help of trusted samurai and unwitting peasants. No, not Star Wars, this is fun and poignant.

  • Yojimbo

    Unemployed rent-a-cop/hitman wanders into town, pits two gangs against one another, comes out on top-ish. The Japanese Man with no Name.

  • Seven Samurai

    On the Mud-Caked Precipice of Greatness.