Archive for Tag creator:RobertEggers

  • Nosferatu

    That trademark Eggers purple prose and visual portent, with a nearly monochromatic colour scheme. Not as foul and vile in its wickedness as The Lighthouse, but a well rounded effort, even with seemingly the guild forcing some performers that fail to meet the high bar required for this.

  • The Witch

    Do not trust the pilgrims. Their plantation defies god’s teachings, we must go at it alone, in the wilderness. Nary ungodly thoughts must be had in our homestead.

  • The Northman

    A very modern take on the revenge plot even though our “hero” murders uncountable people in the most gruesome ways, his raiders of the land of Rus burn up hundreds in a barn (Come and See, history rhymes), and not even his mother escapes his night blade. This is exactly what Beowulf wanted to be, but wasn’t.

  • The Lighthouse

    Landlubber Ephraim Winslow and old sea wolf Thomas Wake heave their belongings to the rock, eagerly waitin’ for the two fortnights of their shift. Two man in, how many men out? The sea. Sums. Dichotomy between good and evil.