Sin City

An anthology of smaller stories. Harvey Weinstein’s Miramax logo means immediate shudders at the amount of nudity. God, it retroactively ruins so many films.

  • The Opening: femme fatale, steps out into the balcony. A tall dark stranger approaches, offers her a cigarette. They swear fealty to one another, but the dude caps her ass and collects the paycheck the next day.

  • Cop in the last day in the force, tries to save a girl from rape and murder. Partner tries to demote him, he punches him. After disposing of the minions, the head bad guy, (a senator’s son) is dead. But the partner is a dirty cop, so everyone dies, except the girl.

  • Marv the Muscle gets framed for this hooker’s death by someone, and need to hide. His safehouses have bare-naked ladies always. The fall guy was orchestrated by some clergyman, higher up. But why? Anyway, he deals with the cannibal lieutenant first, feeds him to the dogs, then moves on the bishop. The place is crawling with cops, so he doesn’t escape the electric chair, not before having another great night with the twin sister of the unknown dead hooker.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision