Some porn with flimsy plot, not very French. This has aged horribly, there are cancellable offences left and right. It’s tamer than daytime reality shows.
There was a time where porn with excuse plots and a modicum of “artistic value” put butts in seats and made Sylvia Kristel an household name. “Household”, I mean, she did pretty much nothing else than sequels of this.
It’s actually anti-hippie, very traditionalist. The protagonists are neo-colonial idle aristos, full of ennui while armies of slaves do their bidding. Bee is shunned by the rest of the leisure class for being a lesbian, even though all of them dabble in fucking everyone. The husband is pro-free love, but when Emanuelle runs away for a couple days, he gets possessive. There is some underage sex fiend. The ending resolves nothing.
Apparently, there’s a “remake” of this in the works with Noémie “Portrait of a Lady on Fire” Merlant, and Naomi Watts, directed by a woman of course. What the hell will come out of this, I wonder.
This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.