Archive for tag 'ennui'
Mamma mia, this is Caligula with less acting, and even more bad taste. The expression rompere i coglioni is uttered non ironically, but it might as well relate to actual testicles.
From Cyborg’s producers, Sylvie “Emanuelle” Kristel is Mata Hari, an accidental “spy” who is being manipulated by both sides of WW1. It’s even more based on a great big lie, there’s a disclaimer that “no similarities with living or deceased persons are intended”.
Some porn with flimsy plot, not very French. This has aged horribly, there are cancellable offences left and right. It’s tamer than daytime reality shows.
More softcore banging with yet another excuse plot, but with better cameras, more girls, and less rape. There’s even less plot, “let’s fuck” is uttered unironically.
A bizarre mix of risqué soft core T&A, long and drawn out shootouts, and Reaganist politics. Even weirder is the Philippines setting with cowboys and loads of country music. It’s like a Jackie Chan film without the good parts.
Porn without plot. Completely worthless.