Archive for tag 'creator:Soderbergh'

  • Ocean's Eleven

    Like a refined jewel inside a pouch of imported silk, devoid of any imperfections or blemishes. Makes Frank Sinatra look like a complete idiot without charisma.

  • Out of Sight

    So that’s where Clooney met Soderbergh. A match made in heaven really. Ving Rhames should have been on the Ocean films.

  • Logan Lucky

    Ocean’s Seven Eleven. ‘em hicks sure ain’t no fools. It would help if Corrections Corporation of America wasn’t a human soul grinder.

  • Ocean's Thirteen

    Still as good as the first time.

  • Ocean's Twelve

    Doesn’t get old. Smashing!

  • The Good German

    Ha, that ironic title. Sounds the opposite, every German is a fucking Nazi, even the Jews married SS.

  • Traffic

    So that’s where Alejandro came from. The Juarez cartel and him go way back. He got the baseball field for kids at last. I prefer the other film named Trafic

  • Contagion

    The index film for the COVID-19 generation. Wicked sick.

  • Magic Mike

    Beefcakes are sensitive people too, beneath those massive layers of muscle.