Archive for August 2022
9 posts from 01 to 25 August 2022.
OH GOD THE PUNS! Cold comfort knowing they are delivered by Arnie. Uma Thurman also has plenty of plant-based puns too, leaf her alone! The zoom into the BatButt is literally the first scene.
A very funny romp through organised crime, feuds, and a cursed custom revolver, which is really all about a bickering couple.
What do you mean, Philip Glass composed the soundtrack for a seminal slasher film? How did that happen, did Clive Barker just said Philip Glass, Philip Glass, Philip Glass, Philip Glass, Philip Glass in front of a mirror?
What truth? You can’t handle the truth! This is just a military courtroom drama, but it’s still air-punching great to see injustice vanquished and the All-American Justice System (the JAG military types) restore honour to innocents.
Yankees vs Lobsterbacks, with a climax around a nominal Battle of Bunker Hill. It’s never named, because it’s completely fictional, the whole thing is complete balderdash, filtered by Emmerichian lenses.
A 2001 film about the CIA managing to kill a terrorist that bombed American embassies, killing hundreds? Must be fiction, Bin Laden was only killed ten years later, and Al-Zawahiri twenty one years after 9/11.
Shit, for different reasons. This is a bog-standard modern sci-fi middle of the road affair. Instead of US Navy propaganda, it has product placement and Chinese money bankrolling the whole thing.
Woo, Will Smith in the start of its Schwarzenegger-isation. It’s not MIB II-levels of “wooo”. Just like all Emmerich epics, this is bursting at the seams with shit happening, but at the same time it feels hollow.
The nostalgia for kids stuff is a powerful drug. So powerful, it makes oblivious to how stupid this whole thing is. The Emoji Movie-levels of stupidity.