Road Trip

Mother of god, just how many Porky’s-a-like can Hollywood film? Todd “Joker” Phillips directs and licks Amy Smart’s feet on camera, like an even grosser Tarantino.

A couple breaks away after going to different universities, then the guy cheats on her (with Betamax evidence), accidentally mails it to her (yeah, tapes in the mail, what a joke). After that fuckup, they go on a road trip to retrieve the tape by violating federal law by tampering with the USPS. It’s all for nothing, since she’s over him too, but it’s fine, since our hero already has more pussy.

I could go on about the stupid characters, childish titillation, Tom Green as a framing device, but it’s pointless. Fitting for Ivan Reitman, it’s the same bullcrap as Ghostbusters, “ripoff capitalist bullshit”, to quote Jane Fonda.

This would be the best possible alternative universe:

Crispin Glover was originally cast as Jacob

Now THAT would be something.


This is my place for ramblings about sequences of images that exploit the human visual limitation know as persistence of vision.

Ephemera of Vision