Archive for tag 'shiterion'

  • Space Jam: The New Legacy

    Oh lord, did they went full-meta? You never go full-meta. It’s just Wreck It Ralph for another megacorp, maybe the same one now?

  • Kangaroo Jack

    My god, it’s worse than it seems. The girl is the least idiotic character, and she gets the short end of the stick: harassment, gaslighting, the main character literally feels her tits and jumps in her bath to kiss her. You know, for laughs!

  • Evolution

    More Ivan Reitman bullshit, another low rent Ghostbusters. Effects driven, the “hero” is introduced flirting with an underage student (again!), explicit anti-state spiel. It was bad the first time already.

  • O Fantasma

    The protagonist is fucking in heaven. Fucking, and fucking, and fucking in heaven. I want to fuck more, I want to fuck more…. Beware of the unsimulated fellatios…

  • Famel Top Secret

    What the fuck is this? What the fuuu… No, life is too short.

  • Balas & Bolinhos

    A crappy no-budget The Hangover years before that. Just like that popular “film” devoid of content, it spawned a franchise. Yet another proof that there is no God.

  • Malapata

    A demo reel for Hot Jesus. A box ticking enterprise. Not even worth it to finish the