Archive for tag 'shiterion'
Oh lord, did they went full-meta? You never go full-meta. It’s just Wreck It Ralph for another megacorp, maybe the same one now?
My god, it’s worse than it seems. The girl is the least idiotic character, and she gets the short end of the stick: harassment, gaslighting, the main character literally feels her tits and jumps in her bath to kiss her. You know, for laughs!
More Ivan Reitman bullshit, another low rent Ghostbusters. Effects driven, the “hero” is introduced flirting with an underage student (again!), explicit anti-state spiel. It was bad the first time already.
The protagonist is fucking in heaven. Fucking, and fucking, and fucking in heaven. I want to fuck more, I want to fuck more…. Beware of the unsimulated fellatios…
What the fuck is this? What the fuuu… No, life is too short.
A crappy no-budget The Hangover years before that. Just like that popular “film” devoid of content, it spawned a franchise. Yet another proof that there is no God.
A demo reel for Hot Jesus. A box ticking enterprise. Not even worth it to finish the