Archive for January 2018
22 posts from 01 to 28 January 2018.
More a series of sketches than an unified plot. Still very much worth watching, if nothing else for the massive amount of talent on screen.
Good grief, what a milquetoast affair. Directed by the American Pie creator, here comes corporatist propaganda faux-raging against the system.
Another “unfilmable” story turned into a great film. That moniker looks like a dare.
Unspeakable horror. Almost literally, the 3 bad guys have less than 3 lines in total.
The one with the following quote:
20 bucks they killed him. Dykes.
Melodramatic and over the top. Even being a war film, it has more in common with John Woo heroic bloodshed.
A Catherine Keener meta film. She proves anyone can be typecast as anything.
Jennifer Tilly is a half retarded maniac wannabe mother. Daryl Hannah is the forced surrogate mother. Together, they are at each other’s throats.
Mainstream Gilliam is a mishmash of watchable-by-muggles and just too damn weird.
Paul Giamatti violently chewing the scenery while Clive Owen chews on carrots. The dark and gritty adaptation that Bugs Bunny needed, not one he wanted.
Hallelujah! Another cool musical. I was nun the wiser they existed.
Porn without plot. Completely worthless.
A scathing satire of Portuguese society. The script writer was a classy troll, and the fact that this was greenlit by the biggest broadcast network only makes it even funnier.
A documentary about a documentary about the Nazi concentration camps buried by the British after the war.
The first Bergman I ever watched is a feeble anti war film.
What’s in the booooox (office)‽ The perfect Halloween film, if you like your candy laced with rusty razorblades, for your mind.
Not sure if I should laugh, even though its funny.
Not sure if I should cry, even though is sad.
A Wes Anderson film. -
Cyclists falling over: The Movie.
Should be named “The Pink Panther: You Too?”
Not so much about start-ups, just another film to add to the long list of Nancy Meyers works.
Not as disastrous as it seems.
Can’t hold a candle to R.I.P.D., that’s my verdict. If that’s not a black mark, I don’t know what is.